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「把你的手放在一個女人的心口, 她立刻就是你的了。」生性傲慢的希臘人施卓凌說。然而黛薇並不是尋常的女人, 她曾被她所愛的男人殘忍的拋棄, 在心靈上飽受創傷, 因此發誓絕不再讓任何男人打動她的心。 她堅決的抗拒對卓凌所產生的不由自主的好感。她認為自己對他並沒有真愛, 只有生理上的吸引力, 應該很容易把持住。然而事實並非如此, 她發現自己逐漸跌入一個無法脫逃的網中, 難道這個男人會再一次的傷害她嗎?
"Place your hand on a woman's heart and she's yours instantly," said the arrogant Greek Julius Spiridon, who was certainly devastating enough to know what he was talking about. But Gale Davis was not just any woman, she had been hurt and embittered after being cruelly let down by the man she loved, and had vowed never to let a man touch her heart again. She was absolutely determined to fight the attraction she so unwillingly felt for Julius; it was, after all, only physical attraction she felt for him, not real love, so it ought to be easy enough to control. Only it wasn't. Gradually Gale found herself being drawn into a situation she had never wanted but couldn't get out of. Was this man too going to break her heart?
信光-新羅曼史集 1982-06-25 |