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Authors: Stephanie Laurens, Victoria Alexander, Rachel Gibson
Publisher: Avon
This anthology of New Year's Eve celebration stories pairs Regency authors Stephanie Laurens and Victoria Alexander with contemporary author Rachel Gibson, and the collection is a rare treat. The tales begin with Laurens's Scandalous Lord Dere (Time setting: European Historical Romance (1820s England)) as he arrives on Abigail Woolley's doorstep in the midst of a blizzard. Dere and Abigail share a past that neither can forget. They've both gone far too long without love and if propinquity and passion have their way, a blissful future awaits them.
The second in this trio of tales is Victoria Alexander's "The Last Love Letter." (Time setting: European Historical Romance (Regency England)
)Beautiful Rachael Gresham had given all the love in her passionate young heart to handsome Jason Norcross. But treachery and greed tore them apart, their hearts shattered with betrayal and despair. Now fate has brought them together again, the truth at last revealed. Will Rachael and Jason have the courage to put the past behind and reclaim the love that has endured the long years spent apart?
In Rachel Gibson's "Now And Forever," (Time setting: Contemporary Romance) high school friends Brina McConnell and Thomas Mack come together again at a class reunion. They may both have changed for the better on the outside, but inside, they're still as passionately attracted to each other as when they were teenagers. The fire that threatens to scorch them now is very adult, but whether it will last past New Year's Eve is anyone's guess. Whether your personal preference is the charm and wit of Regency England or the sexy appeal of contemporary America, you'll be bowled over with this terrific collection of romantic tales. --Lois Faye Dyer
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Re: SECRETS OF PERFECT NIGHT by Stephanie Laurens, Victor...
當初在敦煌拿起這本書時,一看到SL的大名,差點直接丟回架上,因為自從看了她的"浪子的誓言",對她那床上火熱床下陌路的女主角實在粉感冒,但再看到合集裡有小可助教介紹過的Rachel Gibson就還是把書拎回家了... 心想即使踩到地雷,了不起也是三分之一而已.... 沒想到看完後頗有驚艷之感 ^_^
這本書共分三個故事 - Scandalous Lord Dere by Staphanie Laurens, The Last Love Letter by Victoria Holt and Now and Forever by Rachel Gibson. 我想是出版社為了慶祝2000年元旦所出的一本以新年為背景的合集。巧合的是三個作者所設定的男女主角雖然年代不同,但都是由兩小無猜一起長大的 puppy love, 中間或因誤會或因奸人所害而分開,多年後再度相遇轉變成"成人之愛" (Amazon給的sensuality 指數是8...... 所以童鞋不用因為背景是puppy love就以為此書太過"清淡" ^_^)
SL的第一篇Scandalous Lord Dere 講的是風流人間的Lord Dere 在遊戲人間多時後,終於在1823年的新年這一天決定要返鄉定居,心想新年新開始,也不管路況或風雪將至就上路了!好死不死一場大風雪將他困在離家僅數哩路的小村莊,差點沒凍死,一看到最近的一戶人家前往求援,來開門的竟是8年前與他有過一場露水因緣的小甜心Abby... 人就凍昏了....故事就開始了 :) 由於這種合集篇幅實在不長,所以就大概講個開頭就好,免得破壞童鞋的讀書樂趣了,但對SL感冒的人可以放心,由於是小短篇,SL的女主角雖然還是不時會有官媽不齒的那種瞇起眼睛惱怒的盯著男主角,或"她抬起下巴,自鼻尖上方高傲的看著他"這類經典表情出現,但比起SL長篇中令人想踹兩腳的機車女,這個故事的女主角其實頗為甜美誠實而且令人喜愛,真是SL難得一見的佳作 :)
The Last Love Letter 講的是一對年少的戀人,原本相約在新年的凌晨要私奔坐船到美國開創新生活,卻因奸人(女主角的爸爸!!)從中作梗,致使女主角誤以為戀人棄她而去,唯恐自己已懷孕而匆匆下嫁男主角的表哥,卻在恨了男主角10年後發現原來男主角被她父親陷害誤以為女主角已死,傷心之餘而遠離英國這個傷心地...
最後一篇的Now and Forever 就是我所期待的Rachel Gibson 所寫的,背景是現代,講得是一對從小一起長大的高中時代戀人,在分離十年後,各自功成名就回來參加同學會,卻發現對彼此的熱情不減,在期待又怕受傷害中重新熟悉彼此...
這本合集我實際上給4.5葉,三個作者都各有所長,我最喜歡的當然是RG的最後一篇,滑雪小鎮風情宛如眼前,炎炎夏日讀來頗為消暑 ^_^
歹勢 歹勢 發現上文有兩處錯誤,特來更正一下...
1. 書名少了個冠詞,正確書名是〔Secrets of "A" Perfect Night〕
2. 第二篇的The Last Love Letter,正確作者是Victoria Alexander 而非內文所提的Victoria Holt.... sorry for the confusion ne....