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被現代文明遺忘的南太平洋小島------阿波拉島, 突然被指定為NATO軍的燃料補給基地。
很長的一段時間, 妲吉的父親都在島上從事診療的工作, 這次, 他為了要求取消阿波拉島成為燃料補給基地的指令, 親自到澳洲本土, 可是, 在他離去的這段期間, 調查隊已被派遣到阿波拉小島上了。
這個如樂園般的小島, 可說是自小在此長大的妲吉的第二故鄉, 為了保護這個島, 妲吉隱藏自己女醫生的身份, 起而對抗調查隊隊長亞斯頓少校。
但果斷的少校毫不留情, 打算繼續進行調查。必須讓他了解事情不會如他預料中那麼簡單! 心中打定主意的妲吉, 聯合島上青年擬定阻擾計劃......
"We don't want you on Aparoa, Major!"
Tansy told him bluntly. "I hate everything you stand for -- war, violence and the belief that you can fight force with force!"
Major Blake Aston had come to Aparoa to explore the tiny South Pacific island as a possible refuelling base. Tansy Harland, the local doctor, headed the island's hostile resistance.
The Major's warning: "You can't possibly win, Tansy. You'll only get hurt fighting me!" just spurred her on. The outcome was inevitable!