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蘭蒂‧哈瑞是個一直活在空中樓閣裏的女孩。在她的幻想世界裡------ 如殺人不眨眼的惡魔, 穿戴盔甲的勇士, 甚至掠奪財務的海盜------ 年輕的理想主義者奧立佛‧亞當是她心目中的主角。 雖然奧立佛標榜的是永恆的愛, 但是因為自己的夢想而棄蘭蒂遠去的, 卻也是奧立佛。
許多年後, 他再度回到新英格蘭找她。 他變得更成熟、穩重, 且魅力不減當年。 他終於想安定下來...... 但是現在的她所想要的卻是......
Randy Waring had always been prone to flights of fancy. And at the center of them all--as her imaginary dragon slayer, knight in shining armor, even marauding pirate--was young, idealistic Oliver Adams. Although he pledged undying love, Oliver's own dreams eventually took him from Randy's side.
Many years later, he returns to her in New England, steadier, more mature, but no less virile and exciting. He's finally ready to settle down ... and wants Randy as his wife! But she has long been a responsible banker, and now she craves real adventure, not domesticity. Undaunted, Oliver sets out to fulfill her wildest fantasies in brand-new--and totally unexpected--ways...