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Unspoken Past
譯者: 馮秀潔
安妮的遭遇,是十分值得人同情得,其行為反應也足以為人所諒解。 換了其他人,也會這樣做的。
首先,安妮糊里糊塗地嫁給一個「自私自利」的丈夫 ── 布良。 他娶她,純碎是為了自己的「利益」。 婚後依然在外面拈花惹草,甚至把女人帶回家裏。 這種行為,嚴重地傷害到安妮。 使她從此畏懼婚姻,再也不敢信任任何男人。 導致她後來拒絕克力,甚至不管克力是真正愛她的人。
Unspoken, but not unremembered. How could Anne ever forget the brief hours she had shared with Kyle Harrison - or his anger when he discovered that she was not free to love? Three years had passed, years which hadn't dimmed her pain, or the flame that burned in her heart for this man alone. Now he was back, and the promise of their love was even riper, richer for the anger it had surmounted, stronger for the pan it had overcome.