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艾麗是紐西蘭一所醫院的護士,這所醫院是位於風光明媚的南島上。 長久以來,她一直心儀著同在醫院工作的山弟,但卻一直未得到應有的重視。 在一次偶然的機會裡,艾麗終於搗亂山弟平靜的心湖,而此時卻由於以為心醫師的介入而使得情勢錯綜複雜,在對愛情和友情的執著中,她迷失了自己......
Ever since she can remember, Staff Nurse Erica Ryall has worshipped the Senior Medical Registrar, Sandy Legrady, at Reidmouth Hospital in New Zealand’s beautiful South Island.
Just as Sandy begins to take serious notice of her at last, it is particularly galling that a new house physician called Ian Dugall arrives and starts demanding all her time and attention ��" which she cannot possibly refuse him. She soon finds, of course, that Sandy takes a dim view of all this attention from Dr. Dugall and she is forced to juggle the two men’s affections very carefully indeed…