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命運? 輪迴? 還是撒旦的詛咒?
不同的姓名, 出現在不同的時代, 但在相遇的一瞬,
他們感到同樣的愛, 一種模糊的熟悉,
還有, 另一股來自黑暗的力量, 如此沉重的怨恨,
如此強大的憤怒, 在每個深夜的惡夢中,
似無影的幽靈緊緊追逼於身後, 伺機伸出巨掌,
她必須割斷命運的鎖鏈, 她必須......殺死那隱伏的惡靈。
Molly Cooper hated the way the Tory soldiers stared at her as she served them ale at New York's Boar's Head Tavern. Handsome Richard Floyd word England's redcoat, but the feel of his gaze only made her tremble -- with desire. When he followed her into the summer kitchen, she knew why he had come. She had never allowed any man to take liberties before, but this dashing soldier didn't ask with words: he demanded her surrender with a kiss that took her breath away. Yet the flames of revolution were burning at hotly as their passion. Danger and another officer's treachery would soon tear Richard from her arms -- and Molly, driven by fate's overwhelming power, would begin her search for a love too magnificent for just one lifetime... and a soulmate lover promised to her forever.
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