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獻初吻, 要小心
一次「大哥哥式」的親吻, 注定鄧石迪被貼上「初戀叛徒」標籤的命運; 情竇初開的紅髮美女薩姬那. 在他表明要去倫敦找更成熟的女人時, 決心恨他一輩子。
四年後, 鄧石迪回來了, 他主動追求薩姬那, 是否要她做情婦, 好在家人面前遮掩與準弟妹戴傲莉的畸戀? 這是不是鄧石迪的第二次背叛? 純潔、善良的薩姬那, 滿腹委屈與心事, 向誰傾訴?
Lord of the manor
Steven Templeton had shattered Georgina's life once, and now that he'd returned to Kellerdale Hall, he clearly intended to scatter the pieces. He obviously didn't want her around as estate manager.
But Georgina declared war--convincing herself Steven was as bad as his reputation. Hadn't he stolen his brother's wife and turned a defenseless female out into the night?
And she would never let him close enough to rekindle the desire that still haunted them both. But never was a long time, especially now that Steven was home for good....