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麥齊思看著懷中的女孩, 心中正暗暗咒罵著, 她到底是誰? 為什麼在這暴風雨的天氣, 就這樣撞進了他的懷中, 甚至他的生命, 他可不想中了敵人的美人計, 但是看著昏迷不醒的她, 他只好賭一賭了。
愛玲眼看包成將麗絲活活的悶死, 她不知如何才能逃脫包成的染指, 她只有不斷的逃, 但是她為什麼渾身都無力呢? 雷丹呢? 是雷丹在跟她說話嗎? 在雷丹的懷中真溫暖, 不會沒有一點安全感, 可是當她逐漸清醒時, 卻發現自己赤裸的躺在一位陌生人的懷中。
偶然的機緣, 使這兩位身份、背景, 甚至地位都不相當的人相遇在一起, 愛玲為齊思奉獻了一切, 但是齊思對她卻似若有情卻無情。
在一次英軍的圍堡中齊思身受重傷癱瘓了, 愛玲憂心如焚的照顧齊思, 但是齊思卻毫不領情, 要她走。 他對她的感情難道只限於肉體關係嗎? 尤其當愛玲看到齊思美艷的未婚妻時, 她所築的空中樓閣, 完全倒圮了, 她只有遠遠的離開齊思, 但是包成的爪牙到處設下陷阱想抓住她, 因為沒有一個美貌的女人可以從他手中逃出。
齊思的無情, 包成的追殺, 愛玲該何去何從?
Desperately clutching the comforter to cover her nakedness, Aislinn Whitaker gasps as she stares at the dark-haired stranger who shares her bed. Yet as memory returns and she recalls the violent secret that caused her to fee her native Delaware, she willingly clings to the warmth of his embrace. But the peace she finds in the arms of the rugged Captain Chase McKendrick quickly explodes in a blaze of passion--new, wondrous... and frightening in its exquisite pleasure.
As war rages between a fledgling nation and the British Empire, Aislinn is separated from her handsome sea captain and swept into terrifying danger Yet her will to survive is fired by the burning memory of ecstasy sweeter than anything in life. Nothing will keep her from the arms of the man whose all-consuming love has become her life.
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