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蒂麗姑媽再度獲得來自靈界的訊息, 這一次她死去的丈夫回來告訴她, 她那在蒙大拿州一處美麗山谷經營休閒牧場並豢養駱馬的侄子麥大偉將有問題, 並且是一個大得不得了的心臟問題! 這個做姑媽的於是千里迢迢趕去確定他受到親切溫柔和充滿愛心的照顧, 尤其是他看上眼的那位何珍妮小姐。
大偉實在不明白為什麼牧場上的人突然待他像個染重病的人, 不只替他開門、拉椅子, 還搶著做好他應該做的一切工作。 就連衝勁十足、隨時都準備戰鬥的珍妮也一直叫他慢慢來。 他們難道不懂, 沒有任何心臟的毛病是某個女人的深愛所治癒不了的?
Aunt Tillie was getting messages from the spirit world again, telling her that Dave McGraw, her llama-ranching nephew, was having -- Oh no! Heart trouble! She would have to make sure he was treated with tender loving care--especially by Jennifer Hale, the woman he'd set his sights on.
Dave couldn't understand it. The ranch hands were treating him like an invalid, pulling out his chair and refusing to let him do any work. Even Jennifer, normally full of fire and ready to fight, was always telling him to take it easy. Didn't they know there was nothing wrong with his heart that the love of the right woman couldn't cure?