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多年前, 藍喬登背叛了他和金嘉莉的婚約, 而娶了另一個女人。 在德州的小鎮, 傷心欲絕的嘉莉被留下來獨自面對謠言及閒話盛行的社區父老。 嘉莉試圖遺忘, 但她忘不了。
現在喬登回來了! 不僅嘉莉 整個社區的人均拭目以待! 在兩個舊情人怒目相視、 口角頻仍的當兒, 大膽的流言也在鎮民之間流傳。 看來這對命中注定的情侶要再一次試探浪漫的觸角。 但是, 再一次的戀情會引出什麼樣的結局? 喬登會不會再次戲劇化的退出? 抑或嘉莉會改寫了劇本?
Years ago, Jordan Landry had broken their engagement--and Carley Kingston's heart--to marry another woman. Left behind in the small Texas community of Apple Tree, where rumors and gossip die hard, Carley had tried to forget--but she hadn't forgiven.
Now Jordan was back, and not only Carley, but the entire town, were on their toes! As the two long-ago lovers exchanged angry remarks and poisonous smiles, the townsfolk eavesdropped shamelessly. It looked as if the star-crossed pair was going to give romance another shot! But how would this repeat performance end? Would Jordan make another dramatic exit--or would Carley steal the show?