由 Snow White 在 發表

A wedding, a baby... but what about love?
Ellie Morgan hoped to buy the bookshop where she worked, so evenings she moonlighted as a cleaner at Alexiakis International... Until she overheard Dio Alexiakis discussing a top-secret deal, and he insisted that Ellie was an industrial spy! Ellie was unnerved by her confrontation with Dio Alexiakis. However, Dio knew just how he would deal with her....
Ellie found herself on her way to Dio's island, and two days and nights of perfect passion... followed by an unexpected pregnancy. Dio had the perfect solution -- they'd marry for the baby's sake. By now, Ellie was in love with Dio, but could he learn to love his expectant bride?
Paperback, Harlequin Presents #2091, 185 pages
Published March 2000 by Harlequin (first published November 1st 1999)
Snow White replied on 固定網址
Re: Expectant Bride
女主角因為想擁有自己的書店,所以利用下班的時間做男主角大樓的清潔工,因為被打掃樓層的加班員工騷擾,所以同事提議交換清潔樓層,沒想到女主角偷聽到該公司的機密, 所以被公司的老闆(男主角)挾持,直到完成公司併購才要放女主角自由,女主角就被帶到男主角所擁有的希臘小島度(ㄐㄧㄢ)假(ㄐㄧㄣˋ),在風景明媚的小島情不自禁的和男主角發生了關係。