由 鈕釦 在 發表

Wind Warrior
(1 vote)
The Vision
He'd been named Wind Warrior and called the savior of his Blackfoot people. But the mystical power that filled him awoke his brother's hatred and envy. Dull Knife would do anything to take what was his.
The Woman
Slender and lovely, the white captive had long ago caught Wind Warrior's eye. She was the kind of beauty who could make a man forget all else in the exquisite pleasures of the night. But when Dull Knife plotted to steal her away, the rivalry between the two brothers would come to a head, a prophecy would be fulfilled and with her daring rescue, a great passion would be born.
註:和《Wolf Runner》是父子作(這本是父,Wolf Runner是子)
Snow White replied on 固定網址
Re: Wind Warrior
女主角小時候被印地安人綁架,因族長的女兒過世,族長的太太傷心過度,所以男主角的哥哥(Dull Knife)為了取悅族長就去打劫白人,順手抓了兩個小女孩給族長的老婆,族長的老婆本來沒有打算收養的,可是女主角(Marianna)人見人愛,花見花開,所以就被收為乾女兒。
男主角(Wind Warrior)知道自己的哥哥個性殘暴,所以女主角被Dull Knife抓回營地的當下因保護Marianna跟哥哥起爭執,書的發展也著重在哥哥忌妒弟弟,還有要從弟弟那裡奪走Marianna所引發的一連串事件中。男女主角雖然很小就認識了,但是剛開始的時候幾乎沒有說什麼話和很少互動,因為部落規定未婚男女禁止單獨說話,不過作者的寫作功力很高,在少許的互動裡還是可以看見兩人的純純的愛。
這本書打破了許多對印第安背景小說的寫法(是說我也看得不多啦!!),一般以印地安為背景的故事,男主角大都是族長,可是這本不是,Wind Warrior從小就可以看見未來的景象,喜歡一個人往山上尋求神明的指引,一去就好幾個月,後來還當上了族裡的巫師,算是少見的設定,而Marianna在族長老婆的照顧下已融入黑腳族人的生活,甚至還為自己是白人不是黑腳族人而自卑,最後還喜歡上Wind Warrior,留在黑腳族裡,另外作者雖然沒有明講,但男主角應該是處男啦,衝著這一點就要加分了啦!!這本書我個人滿喜歡的,推薦給喜歡印第安背景、青梅竹馬戀和男女主角彼此都是初戀的同學。