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黛安娜從未想過會和牛仔墜入愛河。 而他卻堂而皇之的闖入她的生命中...... 。
When Diana Peters drove out west to visit her old college friend, she was looking forward to the quiet peace of rural North Dakota. She never expected to fall under the spell of the West--the powerful thunder of horses galloping across the open prairie, the enticing fragrance of delicate wildflowers. And she never dreamed of falling in love with the cowboy who'd made this land his own.
Brock Reed could turn an acre of dust into a rich pasture, a mangy calf into a prize-winning steer. He could tame this frontier, but he wasn't quite sure how to go about wooing a Rhode Island attorney.
They were worlds apart. And yet, beneath the vast northern sky, they shared a passion as electric as the heat lightning that sizzled above.
If only they could make this moment last a lifetime...