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她是克麗奥‧丹尼斯的姑婆 ----- 她母親的姑母 ----- 艾爾柏絲‧嘉門。 她死於九十歲高齡,在她死前,安排了一場喜劇,同時促成克麗奥的心願 ----- 這場喜劇的主旨。
克麗奥的身世孤苦,父親羅傑‧丹尼斯當年是全國知名的搖滾歌星,但不幸死於一場小型遊艇的覆舟事件。 母親蘇珊妮‧嘉門放蕩不羈,使她的婆婆以法律途徑爭取克麗奥的監護權。
在這場糾纏不休的官司中,克麗奥和她母親住在艾爾柏絲姑婆位於契爾西島的家中。 她那時才十四歲,島上有位十九歲的青年喬‧甘波,是她迷戀的對象,但是喬那時只把她當成小孩子。
克麗奥的母親在洛杉磯死於一場火災,祖母也早已去世,在深感自疚的情況下,她毅然離開契爾西島和喬。 十二年後,喬找上門來,說她的姑婆對她有一項最後的要求。
She tried to escape a past tarnished by tragedy and scandal by clinging to privacy and loneliness. But Cleo Dennis was still hostage to memory, especially when Joe Gamble returned from that past to deliver her eccentric great-aunt's dying wish. Reluctantly Cleo agreed to accompany Joe to the family's island to claim her legacy on a treasure hunt. How could she know that in ten days her life would be transformed, that Joe's incendiary touch would rekindle passions she'd tried to forget? And that Cleo's treasure would be the incalculable riches of love...