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女主角羅莎琳重返挹翠山莊,巧遇英俊瀟灑的尼爾;憑藉愛情的力量,她重整父親苦心經營的船公司,卻在無意間發現情人別有企圖,令她傷心欲絕。 從此她會看破紅塵呢? 或是激勵自己成為女大亨?
From the wild Cornish coast to Boston's mist-shrouded shores, she was a living legend -- the beautiful Rosaleen Powell, heiress to a shipping empire -- and victim of a cutthroat rival. Frank Shields would stop at nothing to gain control of the shimmering Atlantic corridor. But she never imagined he would strike so close to the heart.
Niles Brewster had made her love again, live again, until she discovered the truth about his connection to Frank Shields. Now she would crush them both, fight them with everything in her power -- beauty, brains, iron will, and wealth that would be hers -- even if she had to marry it. But the final satisfaction would come only when she took the helm herself in the race for the pot of gold on the other side of the ocean. Then, and only then, would she settle a debt that had been scaled in tears -- and blood.