由 mayu 在 發表

「很小的時候,我就發現,我的身軀有點神秘,一種無所歸屬的感覺,縈繞着我心頭。 我和巧盧中的任何人,都不相同。」
婕西嘉一直生活在寂寞裡,直到她認識了她的鄰居韓尼克先生,與這個採礦致富的奇妙男人的友誼為她揭示了一個完全不同的世界,關於貓眼石,關於珍貴的「綠色之華」,關於孔雀莊園和它的「孔雀」。 對於她來說,這一直只是一個奇妙的故事而已,她從沒想過自己的一生就這樣和「孔雀」和「綠色之華」聯繫在了一起,也從沒想過自己要為此付出的代價,直到那一天……
A magnificent opal that carries a deadly curse...
A great English estate that is lost and born anew...
The wilds and dangers of turn-of-the-century Australia...
A marriage of convenience--and secret desire...
No one will tell Jessica Clavering of her past and so she grows up unaware of the dramatic forces that are now ready to shape her life.
When she marries dashing Joss Madden, she intends to keep it a "marriage in name only." Then he takes her to Australia, where her new life really begins--and almost ends...