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湯妮‧布蘭伯瑞------ 本書女主角; 跟男友來到加拿大, 後遭男友棄離而流落在加國, 並因此結識了一對兄弟。
瑞福‧史都華------ 本書男主角; 為一公司的負責人, 因湯妮短時間生活無依而安排一個臨時工作給她。
史恩‧史都華----- 瑞福的同父異母弟弟, 苦苦追求湯妮。
She was committed to the crazy scheme
Toni Bradbury pretended to be Sean's fiancée--not because she loved him, but to fool one particular person: Rafe Stewart, Sean's domineering stepbrother.
Rafe deserved to be put down by a woman. He had unscrupulously tried to seduce Toni--and she'd almost been a willing victim, until learning of his ulterior motive. She was determined to pay him back.
When Rafe heard the engagement news he was contemptuous. "You're out for what you can get, Toni. Just don't be surprised if that turns out to be different from what you expect!"