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伊芙‧托里曼一廂情願地為愛情付出她純稚的貞潔, 在凶險的情海波濤之中, 卻受到造物者的詛咒, 她仍奮不顧身地加以反抗。
出人意表的結局, 纏綿悱惻的情節, 令人不勝唏噓!
She had come to Sweden to discover her roots, only to find a love beyond her wildest dreams--and an ancient curse that said it could never be hers. From the first explosive moment they met, Eve Tremaine knew she would never forget the handsome, arrogant face of Max Von Stjerna, who claimed he didn't believe in love--until he met Eve, on the threshold of his wedding to another.
Eve's very own cousin Camilla would be the next Countess Von Stjerna, bound to a marriage that would finally lift the centuries-old curse from Castle Rosenborg, leaving Eve and Max forever beyond each other's arms. Unless Eve was willing to defy the prophecy to claim the man she loved....