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繁華炫麗的花都巴黎, 浪漫如歌。 落霞與孤鶩齊飛的塞納河畔, 漪欼如花。 倘佯在是如畫的異國風情中, 她------盡情地吸吮著愛情的蜜汁, 沉酣於勾勒的美景, 滿懷的喜悅有如一罈發酵的醇醪, 不斷溢出香郁醉人的氣息......。
愛神就這麼悄然無息地降臨了, 愛苗在心中緩緩滋長。
When Megan Taylor accepted the job as private secretary for Yolanda Delgado, she knew she might meet Jacques Ducruet, the unscrupulous playboy businessman she blamed for her father's bankruptcy and suicide. But the appeal of a charity drive and the need to repay her grandmother for her business school education made her take the job anyway.
Megan could not know that she would find herself at the mercy of Ducruet's compelling magnetism. Or that her job would be in danger from Yolanda's jealousy. Was Jacques's interest in Megan real; or were his attentions to her a form of teasing cruelty?