由 mayu 在 發表

雪花漫天, 寒風凜冽, 荒山千里杳無人跡, 時已近夜, 天地一片寒絕。遠處不時傳來嗥嗥狼號, 光禿禿的枝椏怒伸著, 就仿如睥視寰宇的九天魔翁一般......
驀然, 驚見一位單身少女, 在這蕭瑟肅殺的景色中踽踽獨行, 那淒厲恐怖的狼嗥在她耳邊不斷迴響, 一陣寒慄不禁迅速佈滿心頭。 在這冰天雪地的荒郊野外, 叫天不應, 呼地不靈, 又有誰會施予援手呢?
黑暗中, 那陰森閃爍的瞳孔, 正一步步向她逼近, 這無助的夜行少女將如何逃離這可怕的死亡危機?
Maria Vernon had no idea who her rescuer was the night that she nearly froze to death in a sudden Maine blizzard. She had come to New England for a brief vacation before going home to her parents in the Northwest.
The last thing that she expected was to be snowbound in the isolated cabin of world-famous author Alec Gideon. Nor had she expected to find this brooding, difficult man so dangerously attractive.
He saved her from certain snowy death--but could she save herself from an ill-fated love and this man she couldn't resist?