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她是一個年輕、美麗的心理醫生,全國各大報紙都登載著她發表的心理專欄 ----- 但卻遺世獨孑,孤居在南塔基島的小木屋中。 一個暴風雨的早晨,命運的手把她引到他面前,他 ----- 一個英俊的陌生男人,連自己的身份都不清楚。 在極短的時間內,愛情便滋長在他們之間,然而 ----- 會有結果嗎? 他有家室嗎? 他會不會是個作惡多端的人呢? 種種的問題、重重的障礙擋在兩人中間,到底該是如何了局呢?
"To sum it all up, I see myself stranded, with neither past nor future, in a small house, with a very beautiful woman:'
April Wilde's heart pounded, her mind was in a whirl. What was she to make of this handsome shipwrecked stranger? Marooned in her snug Nantucket home as the hurricane raged on around them, he claimed not to know who he was or where he had come from. She had dragged him, half dead, from the sea and nursed him back to life. But now, as he stood over her, tall, tan, and leanly muscular, it was she who was the helpless one, tossed about on a sensual sea, overcome by a storm of desire that threatened to overwhelm her.
林白-薔薇頰 1983-04-22 |