由 cotton8850 在 發表

七年前, 凱莉曾有過結婚的機會, 但是, 卻被對方的見異思遷所打擊, 從此對婚姻抱著懷疑的態度。 然而現在,為了挽救全家人的困境, 她必須以溫柔美麗的妹妹來吸引那位富有的魯立茲伯爵, 進而與他結婚。
凱莉第一次和伯爵見面的時候, 她正在爬樹, 從此之後, 伯爵那明亮的黑眼就深深地印在她的心靈深處。
一次又一次的見面, 魯立茲伯爵不僅未陷入妹妹所設的情網, 凱莉自己卻對伯爵產生了無限遐思......。
Callie had her chance to marry long ago, and lost it. Now she vows that her sisters'' charms will impress the wealthy Earl of Rutledge and save them all from destitution.
But from the moment he first encounters Callie up a tree, Rutledge prefers matching wits with her to courting her lovely sisters. Wicked amusement gleams in his black eyes as Callie falls into one undignified scrape after another, and his indelicate comments provoke her fury--and her blushes. Once she was convinced no man would ever want her, but now Callie secretly longs for the Earl''s clever words and wondrous kisses...