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安娜的父親原是一位考古學家兼大學教授,然而自從一年半前,不幸被一家「布魯迪」運輸公司的卡車撞成殘廢。 行動失去自由之後,逐而放棄了發掘遺跡和教書的工作,帶著女兒從倫敦返回達比雪小鎮。
父親痛恨「布魯迪」運輸公司的心情,乃是可想而知的。 然而巧合的是,又一次安娜駕車行駛高速公路上,發現一輛紅色卡車從大老遠便一直跟蹤著她。 後來安娜車子發生故障,正感到手足無措時,驀然現身替她解圍的人,竟是這部紅卡車的司機。 紅卡車的車身漆著「布魯迪公司」五個大字,深深吸引了安娜的注意力......。
"What's Brodie's, stays Brodie's"
It was the family motto of the huge transport firm, and an apt one as far an Anona Willis was concerned. The Brodies gave nothing away -- not even compensation for the tragic accident that had ruined her father's life.
Her father had been a noted archaeologist and professor until the day he had been struck down by one of Brodie's drivers.
Will Willis's bitterness was total, so was Anona's loyalty to her father. Then Shane Brodie, commanding, handsome oldest son of the family, proposed to her. Their engagement changed everything -- or seemed to.