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史蒂芬妮在哥哥的推薦之下,順利地頂了白熊飯店會計的缺。這一天,史蒂芬妮上班的時候突然感覺氣氛不同於往常,每一 位工作人員似乎都戰戰競競地期待著一件事情來臨。於是,史蒂芬妮懷著好奇心情,前去詢問任職該飯店經理的哥哥培黎。登時她恍然大悟,原來白熊飯店的主人布洛克.康費德先生將於午後抵達此間。
Twenty-two-year-old Stephanie Hall has heard the rumors about the White Boar Inn’s playboy owner, but never met the man in person. So when circumstances force Perry—Stephanie’s brother and the inn’s manager—to put her in charge of greeting Brock on his arrival, she’s more than a little curious about the man whose very name sends the female staff atwitter.
New Hampshire’s White Mountains are cloaked in vibrant autumnal colors when Brock drives up with a curvy blonde in tow. He’s every bit as handsome as she had heard, and it’s a struggle for Stephanie to maintain her composure in the presence of his overpowering virility. Perry warned her that Brock’s seductive air hid a heart of stone, but Stephanie never expected she would be willing to throw caution to the wind for just a moment in those arms.