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柯貝妮帶著彼得逃亡。 她自然不是怕他姑丈和他父親會來找他們, 因為他姑丈根本視彼得為沒人要的小狗; 而他父親更是三年一去無音訊。 但她害怕彼得的姑丈意外的死亡會使彼得鋃鐺入獄。
當彼得的父親雷尼克出現時, 她大為驚訝。 在她兩度試圖逃跑被抓後, 她發覺被印地安人養大的尼克, 簡直神出鬼沒, 自己絕對逃不出他的手掌心。
雷 尼克很難相信這位金髮、嬌小的小女孩會綁架他的兒子。而且時間愈久, 他愈相信貝妮很愛彼得, 而彼得也深愛她, 尤其是她幾次奮不顧身去救彼得。 他決定不把她送進監獄, 要求她當自己名義上的太太以便照顧彼得。然而他卻發覺自己喜愛她的純真、善良及她明媚動人的笑靨。 他雖然想要逃避她、逃避自己的需要, 卻不由自主地被她吸引, 想要她成為自己真正的妻子。
Bethany Cole had run for her life, taking her young charge Peeto with her. When Luke Randall arrived home to find them gone, he took off after his young son and the "kidnapper" with fury in his heart. But the feisty, fearless frontier girl was hardly the quarry the rugged trapper expected. Neither the lawless land nor the raging Mississippi detrred her as twice she tried to flee. Yet as the two adversaries pushed south to Luke's New Orleans plantation, Bethany's young loveliness tested the very limits of his stony control. And what started as a war of wills soon dissolved into a sweet song of passion as unstoppable as the river itself
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