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由於父親不承認她這個女兒, 珊娜總覺得知己缺乏歸屬感。 由於著重影響, 使得她並不如一般人所想的那麼堅強。
最後誤會冰釋, 傑森向她求婚時, 她覺得很高興, 部份原因固然是由於她愛傑森, 而最主要的, 則是她終於有了歸屬感----她終於屬於某人了。
ANGEL ON HORSEBACK Out of nowhere, Senna Gerald galloped to the rescue of the handsome, deeply tanned stranger thrown clear o his wrecked sports car. But before he'd allow her to get him to the hospital, he called her "angel"--and cooly borrowed her name! "Jason Gerald's" anonymity was safe with her, but within days Senna was notorious, her picture in the papers, her name linked to Jason Stone, tennis superstar, whose conquests weren't limited to the court--his amorous victories spanned the globe! Senna was a small-town girl, but she had a reputation and secrets of her own to protect. Jason's kisses seared her... yet Senna knew she had to renew her vow... never to let any man play games with her heart.