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二人皆英俊非凡, 但是潘蜜拉已不記得他們! 自從小屋的那場大火, 她喪失了所有的記憶。
在巴特佛‧霍爾, 她遇見堅強意志的異父母哥哥貝維斯。貝維斯一度成懷恨她沒但是現在似乎也參與了這場激蕩的競爭。
潘蜜拉感到迷惘和恐懼。 在她尚未能確認自己之際, 哪一個才是她託付終身的伴侶呢?
She awoke in a hospital bed with no identity and no memory of her past, and had to be sedated. But other people knew she was Pamela Lane. They told her about the accident at her cottage, and that she had nearly died in a fire. The stepmother who came to claim her seemed kind, but the more Pamela learned, the more questions she had. Why hadn't she visited her family for five years? And why was her stepbrother so hostile. More important, whose car had sped away from her cottage moments before the rescuers arrived?