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潘內斯! 凱蒂‧鮑斯威小的時候就很喜歡這裡, 現在仍深愛著它。
街道旁的棕櫚樹, 曠野的野花, 怒潮翻騰的大海------
康威爾是個充滿浪漫的傳奇, 而又有著另一種情調的地方。
她內心極不願意放棄城市的生活, 一點也不後悔是孤單寂寞的阿姨身旁的良伴。 但是為什麼阿姨總喜歡扮演月下老人的角色? 凱蒂和史楚恩‧哈雷------ 一個定居在當地的愛爾蘭藝術家, 精力充沛又具有魅力------的事情會有結果馬? 或是她會嫁給目空一切, 喜歡沉思的莫利斯‧白朗寧?
Penzance! Katie Boswell had loved it as a child and loved it now. Palm trees on the streets... wild flowers on the moors... the storm-tossed sea -- Cornwall was a place of wildly romantic legends and wildly contrasting moods. She had no qualms about giving up her city life; no regrets about becoming her widowed aunt's young companion. But why must Aunt Vee insist on playing the matchmaker? Did Katie really have a future with Struan Hadley, the resident artist and devilish Irish charmer, or with the arrogant, brooding Morris Browne? And was she really free to choose when Vee had already chosen for her, calling upon the ancient powers of the Wishing Stone to make her dreams for Katie come true...