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From Library Journal
In this collection of historical novellas featuring settings from bawdy Georgian England to the Wild Wyoming West, the heroes and heroines in each spend one fateful night together and find their lives changed in the process. For instance, Deborah Martin's "Too Wicked for Heaven" is a passionate story of a young woman who spends the night with a disreputable nobleman to save her uncle from a duel; and Anne Stuart's "Dangerous Touch" is the dark and unusual tale of a woman who is attracted to the hired gun who killed her abusive husband. A sensual and compelling collection..Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.
This anthology consists of four stories, three of which take place in England and the fourth, by Anne Stuart is a western. In each of these stories, a handsome rogue meets a woman, and in one night, their lives change forever.
Kimberly Cates' rogue in 《Such Wild Enchantment》 is Rawdon Wyatt. While holding up a coach, believing his friend Percy Davenant is inside, Rawdon gets the surprise of his life to find the occupant of the carriage turns out to be Serena Creighton, the younger sister of the woman he once loved. Old love and new combine for one night of wild enchantment.
《The Lady and The Tiger》by Christina Dodd has Laura Haver, a seamstress, attempting to avenge her brothers death. Keefe Leighton, the earl of Hamilton is the agent her brother worked for and it is him that Laura turns to for help. But after three months of nothing, Laura takes matters into her own hands. She wants to find out the identity of the smuggler called Jean and that of the Seamaster. She tells the innkeeper that she is married to the earl, thinking no one would ever know, when the earl shows up and is taken to his wife upstairs. Laura learns the secret identities of the two men and in one night she learns what it is like to love a rogue.
When Lady Althea Ransome finds herself in a very unladylike position, it is Neville Blakely, Marquis of Foxworth who comes to her aid. However, when the two of them are later found in a most compromising situation, it takes a guardian with a grudge, the lovely Althea, and a conscience to make Nev change his wicked womanizing ways for the woman he loves in 《Too Wicked For Heaven》 by Deborah Martin.
Last, but not least in this anthology is 《Dangerous Touch》 by Anne Stuart. On opposite sides of the fence, so to speak, are Mad Billy Maddox, a hired gun, and Sara Elder, who will not be intimidated into leaving her home. After losing her husband and property Sara is more determined than ever to not let the Evil Harrison Stark, or his hired gun run her from her house. Though Maddox repeatedly tries to make her leave, he is a gallant rogue whose dangerous touch one night leads them to a new beginning.These four talented and gifted authors have each written a clever story that will make you want to be the woman who wins the rogue.
Each story has passion and romance! Instead of dreaming about one night with a rogue, read it, and spend the night with four! Wonderful writing by Ms. Cates, Dodd, Martin and Stuart! Splendid stories, spicy romance and such charming, gallant rogues! This impressive and delightful anthology will get your romantic juices stirring! Kudos to Anne Stuart, Deborah Martin, Christina Dodd and Kimberly Cates! Their collective stories make One Night With A Rogue irresistible, and so is each rogue! One Night With A Rogue is every girl's dream come true! This wonderful anthology will knock your socks off! Four different stories, four different rogues and you'll love them all!Gloria Miller -- Copyright © 1994-97 Literary Times, Inc. All rights reserved -- From Literary Times