由 RA小編 在 發表
A:I was born in Qingdao, but I am of southern stock: my mother’s side of the family is from Shanghai and my father’s side from Nanjing. My parents divorced when I was very young and I grew up with my mother and her parents. When I was nine, my mother left China to pursue an advanced degree in the U.S. I continued to live with my grandparents, but then my grandmother passed away when I was thirteen, and my mother brought my grandfather and me to America to live with her.
As for why I write in English, it’s very simple. My Chinese is no longer that good after more than 20 years in the States. I read books in English, watch TV & movies in English, speak in English most of the time. I would probably have to go back to school for years before I dare write anything other than letters & IMs in Chinese.
A:My inspiration typically come from reading books and watching movies. Particularly good books and movies will make me want to duplicate the experience somehow, but put my own spin on it.
For example, 《魅惑美人》is my take on Judith Ivory’s BEAST, one of my favorite romances that also has a transatlantic voyage on a luxury ocean liner, and one character who is not seen by the other character for half of the book. But in BEAST the man is not seen, and in 《魅惑美人》the woman is the hidden one.
A:Great observation! I actually refer to the Fitzhugh Trilogy as the Unrequited Love Trilogy. I don’t think I specifically set out to make every book in the trilogy a variation on a theme. In fact, for both《魅惑美人》 & Ravishing the Heiress, my original plan did not include any unrequited love.
But all genre fiction depend on having great conflict—without a strong conflict, there cannot be a strong story. By adding unrequited love to the mix, you instantly have much higher stakes in a love story. You have a character who is already, at the beginning of the story, deeply invested, whose emotions run strong, who is easily hurt. In other words, you have a character in pain. And a character in pain makes for a more interesting story than a character who is not in pain.
A:Actually the Fitzhugh Trilogy is my first series of linked books—and I could only wish I had the ability to plan out everything ahead of time. I find it really difficult to plot a book that I am not actively writing.
When we proposed the trilogy, my agent encouraged me to make book 3’s story arc across the entire trilogy. So I had to weave Helena & Hastings’s story into book 1 & book 2, while not quite knowing what that story is. Of course all those parts in the end had to be rewritten once I actually started working on Book 3. Thankfully, we had the time to make the changes.
A:My favorite of my romances is either 《印度生死戀》 or Ravishing the Heiress. I think it’s because in those two stories, the characters had the most difficult, most heartbreaking journeys. They overcome their obstacles with the most courage and kindness. And I am invariably deeply moved by courage and kindness.
A:Never any I’ve encountered yet. 金髮碧眼 or 黑髮黑目, as long as a character has a heart that can be broken, I’m in business. (And the funny thing is, historical romance is currently dominated by American writers, writing stories that are largely set in Britain. British readers often tell me that my characters behave more like historical British people than those penned by American writers. I think it’s because American society is very casual, whereas my Chinese upbringing was more formal.)
A:I think it’s the book’s portrayal of sexuality. There is something very raw and primal in 《狂野的愛》’s understanding of sexual attraction, something so strong and powerful that you simply cannot escape.
Up until then, the love stories the teenage me had read referred to sexual love very elliptically, if at all. So this book opened a whole new arena for me, a whole new way of looking at the relationship between a man and a woman.
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Re: 雪麗‧湯瑪斯「有問有答」Q&A
有個小疑問,也可說純粹是好奇心,這些問題是直接用中文提供給雪麗嘛? 還是有先翻譯成英文呢?