romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?

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romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?

      因為看了greyshrike同學的精彩書評,我把買了好幾月的《Dream Lake》找出來看。這個系列之前一本《Rainshadow Road》看了一半至今還沒看完呢(不是它不好看,是不合我節奏),所以這本《Dream Lake》買了幾個月一直沒想起來看,看greyshrike同學寫到有很多精彩美食在其中,我忍不住了,決定這次要一鼓作氣堅決看完它。唉,要不是有greyshrike同學的書評在激勵我,可能我看了第一章就放棄了。為什麼?同學們,男女主角直到第三章才第一次碰面,而且只有幾十秒的時間!!!昨晚看到很晚,才看到七章!兩人還沒見上第二次面。
    今早喝著咖啡清醒大腦,突然反應過來了,為什麼我看得這麼吃力?因為,我對這本書的期待是羅曼史romance,可是,它應該不是羅曼史romance,應該是fiction!仔細回想一下莉莎•克萊佩最近幾年的現代羅曼史,沒錯,它們應該算是fiction!!!誠如greyshrike同學所寫“自從Lisa 寫現代羅曼史小說後,都會加上愛情以外的元素”,在這幾本書裏面,有愛情,可是,男女主角的愛情只是其中一部分,故事裏還有很多其它元素。我想romance 和fiction的最主要區別,應該就是romance 最最中心就是圍繞男女主角的愛情戲展開,其它一切是為這個中心服務的。而 fiction是要講一個故事,在這個故事裏面,愛情只是其中一部分,而不是全部。

Last seen: 4 年 9 個月 以前
Home away from home版主Moderator
已加入: 2012-07-20 12:59
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?

那珍安這幾年出的書不就算  Imagination .... 

作者又花了很多時間寫小鎮風景 人物
但是我很喜歡叉路咖啡館耶 !

Lisa 近年的書也是這種風格嗎?
那我可能會喜歡哩 !

Last seen: 3 年 12 個月 以前
Just cannot stay away專欄撰文者 Contributor
已加入: 2010-10-30 23:17
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?




慾望城市跟購物狂這種講現代都會女生的故事,算CHICK LIT


Last seen: 7 年 7 個月 以前
已加入: 2012-05-19 10:34
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?

    在亞馬遜網站上,Literature & Fiction和Romance是兩個並列的分類。我的意思是,雖然《Rainshadow Road》是在Romance這個類目下面,但實際上它的內容更接近Literature & Fiction這類別的書。
     印象中WRN有同學提過Connie Brockway要轉寫contemporary Fiction?我記得有什麽新聞看到過Nicholas Sparks公開表示過他寫的不是Romance,言下之意把他的作品歸入Romance他覺得是降低了“身份”。我有個朦朧的印象,諾拉似乎跟這人不對盤,不記得準確的報道內容了。

Last seen: 3 年 3 週 以前
Just cannot stay away專欄撰文者 Contributor
已加入: 2010-02-26 10:28
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?



在2006年 Amazon 將 Nicholas Sparks 的 The First Sight (還是Dear John 年代久遠有點忘了)

列入 Romance 年度暢銷排行榜 前十名

此事引來 Sparks 本人極度不爽 發表了一篇嚴正的聲明

澄清他的小說不是羅曼史 Romance 而是愛情故事 Love Story

於是又引來一些作家(不知道有無包括諾拉)出來酸說: 怎麼? 叫你作羅曼史作家有辱您的身分是吧?

我之所以記得勒 是當年我看到這排行以後 把它貼來板上

還白目的問: 這 Nicolas Sparks 是誰呀?


其實書的分類本來就很難 我愛看的 Paranomal Romance 常被分到 Fantasy

現代羅曼史被分到 Fiction,

最誇張的是某書店把In Death 分到 Crime ..... 

Last seen: 3 年 3 週 以前
Just cannot stay away專欄撰文者 Contributor
已加入: 2010-02-26 10:28
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?


以上是 2009 年 的事 才對

老年痴呆 + 才疏學淺 哪


Last seen: 7 年 7 個月 以前
已加入: 2012-05-19 10:34
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?

All genres are scorned by literary types, but none more so than romance. In lit-land, it's lower than crime, lower than horror, lower, even, than sci-fi. But then, it's a genre written by women for women. Unless "a guy writes one and they call it something else. And it gets reviewed and made into a movie," says Roberts. She doesn't actually say the words "David Nicholls" or "One Day", but they hover in the air.

     原來是David Nicholls 不是Nicolas Sparks!!!

Last seen: 7 年 7 個月 以前
已加入: 2012-05-19 10:34
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?

         farfaraway同學你說那件事我有印象,那一次跳出來跟 Nicholas Sparks 公開表示不滿的作家我印象中有好幾個,剛才google居然沒搜到相關新聞,難道我記錯了?自古文人相輕,哈哈,古今中外莫能免俗!

Jamie Liao
Last seen: 10 小時 5 分鐘 以前
Home away from home專欄撰文者 Contributor
已加入: 2012-07-04 16:19
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?

這篇劈 Nicholas Sparks 蠻有趣的

Nicholas Sparks stated that he has no contemporaries. No one else does what he does. He writes unpredictable love stories, not trashy run-of-the-mill romance novels like Shakespeare.

自大如果可以用吞的, Sparks 一定會被自己的自大噎死 !

Just The Facts (關於他的書)

1.Nicholas Sparks is an author who churns out about one romance novel a year.
2.All of these books are almost immediately made into movies.
3.All of these books are the same book.

Nicholas Sparks on Nicholas Sparks


In a recent interview with USA Today, Nicholas Sparks criticized Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Ernest Hemingway, and romance novelists in general for essentially writing the same story over and over:
"(Romances) are all essentially the same story: You've got a woman, she's down on her luck, she meets the handsome stranger who falls desperately in love with her, but he's got these quirks, she must change him, and they have their conflicts, and then they end up happily ever after."
But he claims that he is not a romance novelist. He is a fiction writer who writes love stories.
"You read a romance because you know what to expect. You read a love story because you don't know what to expect."
Really Nicholas Sparks? Really?

連莎士比亞, 珍奧斯汀都不放在眼裡了, 語不驚人死不休也不奇怪了


~So many books, so little time-Frank Zappa~買書如山倒,讀書如抽絲~

Last seen: 4 年 9 個月 以前
Home away from home版主Moderator
已加入: 2012-07-20 12:59
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?

他真的這樣形容 Shakespeare ? Trashy run-of-the-mill ? 
而且還有 Hemingway  ,
Gosh ! 他真的很敢!
我只看過 Dear John , 說真的 , 那不是我的菜 ,
女主角我只能用水性楊花形容 ( 只是個人看法)

報導裡面引述他的那段話 (羅曼史的老梗)
老實說沒錯   大部分羅曼史的確是那樣寫 ,
You read a romance because you know what to expect .
是啊 , 也沒錯啊 , 就是喜歡好的結局所以愛看羅曼史
All of these books are the same book. ==> 這句是諷刺他自己也都寫一樣的書嗎 ?

或是無影音證據新聞    持保留態度
如果報導所言有 50% 真實性
只能說   他的 Fanbase 很穩  穩到他可以暢所欲言  百無禁忌 

Jamie Liao
Last seen: 10 小時 5 分鐘 以前
Home away from home專欄撰文者 Contributor
已加入: 2012-07-04 16:19
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?

那篇是部落客寫的, Sparks 的說辭可能有被扭曲,

這是 USA Today 的連結

Asked what he likes in his own genre, Sparks replies: "There are no authors in my genre. No one is doing what I do."

這句話真的是 Sparks 說的, 

覺得有趣的是 :

Cyrus confesses that, well, she never finished the novel, ....... "With the book, I've only gotten through part of The Last Song," ...... Cyrus says sheepishly. "Because the movie started first."


~So many books, so little time-Frank Zappa~買書如山倒,讀書如抽絲~

Last seen: 4 年 9 個月 以前
Home away from home版主Moderator
已加入: 2012-07-20 12:59
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?

最後要來給 Nicholas Sparks  平反一下

"A romance novel is supposed to make you escape into a fantasy of romance. What is the purpose of what I do? These are love stories. They went from (Greek tragedies), to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, then Jane Austen did it, put a new human twist on it. Hemingway did it with A Farewell to Arms."

而是源自希臘神話 Shakespeare , Jane Austen , Hemingway
一脈相承的愛情故事 ==> 所以他推崇這些名家

Any he thinks are overrated?
"I don't like to say bad things about others."
Except McCarthy?  "He deserves it," Spark says with a laugh.

文章裡為一批評到的作者為 Cormac McCarthy
由其是這本書  Blood Meridian

Sparks disagrees. "No, the themes in love stories are different. In mine, you never know if it's going to be a happy ending, sad ending, bittersweet or tragic. You read a romance because you know what to expect. You read a love story because you don't know what to expect."

他寫的故事 unpredictable
非羅曼史作家千篇一律的 Happy Ending ( 可是我偏偏喜歡 , 怎樣 :'( )

而 greyshrike 同學寫到的這句話

Cyrus confesses that, well, she never finished the novel, ....... "With the book, I've only gotten through part of The Last Song," ...... Cyrus says sheepishly. "Because the movie started first."

Sparks feigns being stricken, but then says: "I don't know if I ever watched a Hannah Montana show. ... Nothing personal. My daughters do every day."

Miley 在跟她開玩笑抬槓啦
( 當時 Miley 才 17 歲耶    還在看麥田捕手的年紀)
Sparks 他還不是馬上反擊說 他也沒看過 Miley 成名作 Hannah Monyana Show
( 註 : Miely 當年火紅的程度 , 可比擬為古早時期的楊林 小虎隊 )


Asked what he likes in his own genre, Sparks replies: "There are no authors in my genre. No one is doing what I do."

我解讀為  他真的認為自己寫的是 Love Story
感覺不會很自大啦 !
雖然他的確批評了  Hemingway 's " The Garden of Eden "
但我想他的意思是 "  這本書是那些羅曼史作家推崇的 "
而他比較喜歡他的另一本書 A Farewell to Arms (戰地鐘聲)

非護航   純討論

ps:  說到護航
       粉絲在網路上為 Martin Freeman 批評 Lucy Liu 所做的洗白
       " dog = friend " " 那是英式幽默 "

Last seen: 7 年 7 個月 以前
已加入: 2012-05-19 10:34
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?

    " dog = friend " 又是什麽最新八卦?我聽到的八卦是 martin freeman說 Lucy Liu 不好看,當然是我正宗迷人(I'm the original glamours of Watson。),然後粉絲們就爆發了。我覺得他是在反諷自己這個華生不夠美,沒有美國華生glamourous

Last seen: 3 年 12 個月 以前
Just cannot stay away專欄撰文者 Contributor
已加入: 2010-10-30 23:17
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?



所有的Romance writers都是fiction writers。他不想當so-called romance writer,那他就不要寫他那個什麼鬼Love story


Last seen: 4 年 9 個月 以前
Home away from home版主Moderator
已加入: 2012-07-20 12:59
Re: romance or fiction?羅曼史?小說?

我可以了解他的想法  ( 雖然不了解他的書 )
他不想類歸於 Romace 的原因
正是我愛死 Romace 的原因
一個故事到最後  可能是喜劇  悲劇  或是開放式結局(ex: Life of Pi )
我那脆弱的淚腺經不起更多摧殘    因此選擇讓人心情愉快的喜劇結尾
如果看到這樣的書  如果結局是分開的  