
共有 42801 筆資料,目前是 42031 - 42040 筆
譯者: 方美
出版社: 海風-紫色羅曼史 #63
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
凱伊是一個成功女企業家,工作就是生命的全部,感情對她來說可有可無,頂多只當個點綴罷了。但當貼心的愛來時,她才知道自己也有脆弱的一面。只要伯克一靠近她,凱伊便感到’方吋大亂;他的注視、他的吻更是叫人意亂情迷。 然而,情海總難免掀起怒波狂濤;她能否嘗到甜美的果實?能否為自己的感情找到終身的寄託?
平均:4.3 (3 人灑葉)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 (1995-08-01 出版)
系列書: de Burghs
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 3
**系列說明: de Burghs, book # 1 ** Harlequin Historical No 284 Publisher: Harlequin (August 1, 1995) Though Marion Warenne's past was but a dim nightmare, her present held a vision of glory—the formidable Dunstan de Burgh. A fierce knight who was determined to win their battle of wills, all...
平均:3 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 (1998-08-01 出版)
系列書: Regency Quartet
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 1
Harlequin Historical No 427 Publisher: Harlequin (August 1, 1998) Forced to marry after being discovered in the same bed, a viscount and a vicar's daughter find mystery and love. Raleigh Hadn't Gambled On Finding A Virgin In His Bed -- but when he awoke next to Jane Trowbridge, he kn...
平均:4.3 (3 人灑葉)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 (1997-06-01 出版)
系列書: Regency Quartet
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 4
**系列說明: 與The Vicar's Daughter 相關** Harlequin Historical No 371 Publisher: Harlequin (June 1, 1997) A MEETING AT GUNPOINT: A fitting start for such a dangerous attraction, thought Grayson Westcott, the Marquis of Wroth. And though he'd always prided himself on his infamous self-control,...
平均:4.3 (4 人灑葉)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 (1996-04-01 出版)
系列書: Regency Quartet
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 4
Harlequin Historical No 317 Publisher: Harlequin (April 1, 1996) Dark and brooding and rumored to have done murder, the Devil Earl was everything Prudence Lancaster's imagination could conjure. But he was also flesh and blood. and infinitely more seductive than anything she had ever create...
平均:4.8 (4 人灑葉)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 (1995-01-01 出版)
系列書: Regency Quartet
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 4
**系列說明: Regency Quartet** Harlequin Historical No 258 Publisher: Harlequin (January 1, 1995) LORD WYCLIFFE HAD FINALLY MET HIS MATCH With golden hair and eyes of springtime green, Charlotte Trowbridge was the toastof the London Season. "An incomparable goddess" her dazzled admirers p...
平均:4 (2 人灑葉)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 (1996-08-01 出版)
系列書: The de Lacis
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 2
Harlequin Historical, No 332 Publisher: Harlequin (August 1, 1996) Gillian Haxham Soon Learned Her New Lord Was More Wedded to Revenge Than To Her For Nicholas de Laci had sworn to exact payment for the sins of her uncle. Why then, did he eyes belie his words, speaking naught of retri...
平均:5 (5 人灑葉)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 (1994-09-01 出版)
系列書: The de Lacis
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 5
Harlequin Historical No 241 Publisher: Harlequin (September 1, 1994) In Deborah Simmons' first medieval, Aisley de Laci must take a husband from among King Edward's knights. Determined to elude the altar, she chooses the reclusive Baron Montmorency, but her plans turn awry when she is summoned to...
平均:4.8 (4 人灑葉)
譯者: 艾華
出版社: 林白-浪漫經典 #210
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 4
由鄉間的質樸小屋而至華美的神秘宅邸,一個令人目眩神迷的故事展開了序幕。交織著失落的海盜寶藏和神話般的愛情…… 有一度,溫靄琳能自由自在的把她所有的時間投注在她的喜好上——研究古代傳奇故事及發掘久未傳世的寶藏。但現在,為了撫育三個頑皮的小外甥,這個大而化之的美麗女子幾乎找不出做研究的時間。當一個英俊的陌生人出乎意料的闖進靄琳的書房,幫助她把生活納入正軌,她覺得真是喜從天降。 柴哲瑞長得修長黝黑,還有一頭迎風飛揚的黑髮,似乎是靄琳最荒誕不經的幻想成了真。 一名勇武的海盜,以家庭教師的偽裝出現,他熾烈的熱吻和四海邀遊的故事贏得了她的芳心。 但是情況急轉直下,純...
平均:3 (1 vote)
譯者: 陳思尹
出版社: 林白-浪漫經典 #209
評鑑: 1
  嘉絲:年輕而純真,生活在殘暴且有權有勢的丈夫陰影下,在生命中的連串悲劇裡,她凝聚了自身的力量,為自己建立了一個美的企業王朝。然而縱使成功帶來了龐大的財富,一件事卻令她抱憾終生──再多的金錢,也無法買回女兒對她的愛。 珊卓:在姑母篡奪家產的惡毒計謀中,她只是一顆任人擺佈的棋子。在怨恨中成長使她不知包容與寬恕為何物。經由縝密計劃的色誘,以及為了奪取母親一手建立的事業所做的冷血鬥爭,她將完成自己的報復。 莉莉:這個無辜的女孩,最後將會把母親及外婆重新拉回在一起,還是把兩人永遠的拆散?
